The Endurance of Care: Why Treating the Person Matters in Health, Business, and Beyond

In a world often hyper-focused on quick fixes and narrow solutions, this post explores the profound necessity of treating individuals as complete entities, especially in healthcare. Drawing from my own experience with multiple sclerosis, Stoic philosophy, and an endurance athlete’s mindset, I argue for a comprehensive approach that considers emotional, physical, and psychological aspects of a person. This strategy, as it turns out, transcends healthcare and is vital for any service-oriented industry, including business.

DRY – How I Became Healthier and Lighter, and Experience A “High” A Few Times A Week

Sadly, I had not focused on my health the past few years. The crazy hours between 3 kids and a growing company had taken the toll on my health and appearance. I decided that walking into Spring 2010 it was time for a change. I had reached an unhealthy 199 lbs. and did not wantContinue reading “DRY – How I Became Healthier and Lighter, and Experience A “High” A Few Times A Week”