Why I Referenced Anne Frank to My Kids As They Start School

Two of our three kids have already started school. Those two are Gabe and Owen who will be in separate schools for the first time in 8 years. That breakup with them also means all three will be in different schools for the first time. Ever. The kids being gone inevitably means that we willContinue reading “Why I Referenced Anne Frank to My Kids As They Start School”

Five Questions for Family Dinner.

When it was time for dinner, Courtney and I sit with our kids and want to know how each of their days was. Sometimes, a child would just utter “Fine”, “ok”, etc. and want to move on. Other times, a child would be so excited that others wouldn’t have a chance to share their day.Continue reading “Five Questions for Family Dinner.”

Children As Truth and Inspiration

A number of family and friends know this story already. It’s time to write it down for posterity’s sake and because I hope Avery will read it one day. As many people know and talked about in a previous post, I have lost a bit of weight the past 2 years (from 199 lb toContinue reading “Children As Truth and Inspiration”

Daily Grateful – Newspaper Delivery

One of the biggest lessons I learned the EO MIT Entrepreneurial Masters Program was from one of the last instructors/teachers/presenters, Barrett Ersek.  It was the core lesson of his presentation, but a gem he quickly talked about.  Everyday I am trying to find something for which I am grateful. I noted this lesson to aContinue reading “Daily Grateful – Newspaper Delivery”